Sunday, October 29, 2006

Dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun duuun!

Friday and Saturday night we went to Lincoln Center. Friday was Jazz at Lincoln Center and out seats were basically on the stage. There is a row of seats that circle the back of the stage and that's where we sat and it was awesome. Last night we saw the New York Philharmonic. Seriously? I could get addicted. They played four pieces, including the overture. The second half was Beethoven's Symphony No. 5 (you know, dun dun dun DUUUUN, dun dun dun DUUUUN...) and it was basically breath taking. One of the pieces they did was about 15 minutes long and there was all kinds of dissonance and was all legato, no punchiness about it at all. It was more modern, written in the 20th century. And to hear all of this amazing music by some of the most amazing musicians in the world made me feel very, very blessed. It took me back to All State Choir. Not only the life changing performances (and I can say that now with the benefit of hindsight), but those darn auditions. Sitting in a chair in the back of an auditorium praying they don't call my name immediately but getting increasingly frightened as the approached the third chair, second chair, first chair...Some of the best moments of my life right there. I miss having a reason to hold someone's hand that tight. I feel a strong need to be in a choir. I think it is definitely something I will seek out after I graduate.

Here is a picture of the fountain that the major theaters of Lincoln Center surround:

Welp, see ya later.