Tuesday, March 11, 2008


I guess that it's time I explained...

I have MRSA, a form of the news-making staph infection.

It started on my leg in October. Then again on my leg, then my eyebrow over Thanksgiving. I went to the doctor the first time and got antibiotics. The 2nd and 3rd time it wasn't so bad, so I let it "run it's course," so-to-speak. Then last week I woke up and my lip was swollen. I decided to go to a clinic the 2nd day because it was looking pretty bad. He just gave me a prescription and I went back to work. The next day I woke up and it was twice the size. So I went to the ER. The actual infection was above my lip, but had made a whole side of my face swell up. I think that picture was from Thursday. The stupid doctor in the ER gave me more medicine but he did not help me at all. HELLO, my face is a balloon. Something is wrong with me.

Friday I went to the dermatologist. She finally helped me. She also hurt me a freaking lot. She had to put a needle in my face to numb me and I felt that thing go deep. Then she told me to close my eyes while she got a sample. I don't know what she did, but I still felt it. Then I started getting sick. I had planned on eating breakfast at work (I was crazy for thinking I'd be going to work), so I was on an empty stomach. It was not a good feeling. They started running around, lying me down, turning off the lights, finding food and water...

But it's okay. She gave me more medicine, a cream that I have to stick in my nose. It's supposed to get rid of the infection that I've been carrying for months entirely.

I was back at work on Monday and my face has, in a way, shrunk all the way down since Friday.

Two good things came from this:

I started watching Lost from the beginning online while I was at home with nothing to do. I haven't seen the first two seasons. This is good for me. Bad for the social life.

I looked really funny and although it hurt to laugh at the time, it's still very funny.

Woo hoo....adventures in the big city!


Anonymous said...

Get well soon dear and keep us updated!
Aunt Theresa